Scott’s septic services
Scott’s Excavating also services septic tanks with their Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) licensed [#20-05] septic cleaning vacuum (pump) truck and several MDEQ licensed septage land application sites for safe disposal (recycling) of septage waste. Service areas include most of Roscommon and Crawford Counties. Scott’s Excavating services septic tanks year-round (even during winter months).
Currently, septic tank maintenance is voluntary in most parts of the state. This service helps prevent premature failure of the septic system by allowing a cleaner effluent (liquid) to be discharged into the seepage area (tile bed, dry well etc.). Routine maintenance is often likened to changing the oil in a car, with system longevity and performance based on proper care and use.
In October 2004, the State of Michigan amended the law that regulates the transporting and disposal of septage waste. These changes, along with substantial fuel increases, have significantly impacted the cost of servicing septic tanks in Michigan. Mark Scott said his fear is that regular maintenance (pumping) of septic tanks, which should occur every 2 to 5 years for full-time residents, will become too expensive. “If folks have to start paying too much for this service, they are likely to put it much lower on their priority list. This will eventually catch up with an increase in septic system failures.” Scott said he has mixed feelings on the new Michigan septage regulations but feels it is ultimately for the best. “We are blessed to have clean water in our lakes and streams; Roscommon wells produce some of the best drinking water in the state. Affordable septic tank cleaning will encourage routine on-site septic tank maintenance, helping preserve the water quality in those areas. These new regulations penalize septic servicers who are not utilizing proper transporting and disposal (recycling) methods helping preserve our great water resources for future generations.”

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